DelMarVa Survival Trainings
Daily Features |
March 27, 2020
Transcript of Dehydrating
Meats, Beef, Chicken, and Tuna
00:00 it's
March the sun is shining the snow
00:02 is
melting it's time to dehydrate some
00:04 food
for some summer trips hey folks
00:11 today
I'm going to dehydrate some meat I
00:13 used
to cook my meat with my food and
dehydrate the whole meal together
but I
00:18 found
that my meat will rehydrate better
00:20 if I
de hydrate it separately from the
00:21 rest
of the meal so today I'm going to
00:23 do
some beef some chicken and some tuna
00:25 nd I'm
going to show you some tricks
00:27 that I
use so let's start with the beef
00:30 trick
one is that I boil my beef instead
00:34 of
frying it I find that frying Sears
00:36 the
meat and hinders the rehydration
process so all I do is drop small
amounts at a time of meat into a
00:43 pot
trying to create small, small pieces
00:49 and
I'll give it a stir just to break up
00:53 any
chunks that are still in there and
00:54 then
I'll cover it and bring it to a
00:57 boil
so what you'll do is you'll drain
01:01 that
meat in a colander and most of the
01:05 fat
will wash away with the boiling
01:06 water
but another trick I do is I pour
01:08 even
more boiling water over that meat
01:10 to
ensure that I really minimize any
01:13 on
that meat now let's do the chicken
01:17 the
trick I use for chicken is I pre
01:21 cook
it in a pressure cooker first the
pressure cooker really breaks down
01:25 fibers
of the chicken to a point where
01:27 it
number one dehydrates very well but
01:30 also
rehydrates very well so just load
01:34 your
pressure cooker and follow the
instructions to bring it up to
temperature I usually cook chicken
01:39 about
15 minutes and then I cool off my
pressure cooker and pull the chicken
01:48 you
can see the fibers of the breast
01:50 meat
are already starting to separate a
01:53 little
bit that's really good that's
01:54 what
you want
01:56 first
I'll cut my chicken up a little
01:57 bit
just to help it cool off because
02:00 it's
very hot and hard to handle
02:02 then
next I'll take a couple forks and
02:05 try
and pull the meat apart trying to
02:08 create
very small strands of chicken and
eliminate any lower
02:13 large
chunks once the chicken cools down
02:15 you
can use your hands and break it down
02:17 a
little bit further and there you
02:19 it a
whole bunch of chicken ready for
02:22 the
dehydrator too now the tuna is the
easiest dehydrate that straight from
02:30 can
for best results I try and use solid
02:34 white
tuna I try and get albacore in
02:37 water
not oil really important that it's
02:39 water
tuna is the easiest all you do is
02:43 take
it out of the can dump it into a
02:46 bowl
and break it up a little bit trying
02:49 to
make sure that you don't have any
02:50 really
big chunks in there so there you
02:53 go at
about half an hour I've prepared
02:56 all
three meats ready for dehydration
03:03 so my
dehydrator is all ready to go I'm
03:06 going
to use these drying sheets on my
dehydrator and I'm simply going to
03:12 my
meat each tray so you want to load
03:25 each
tray careful not to overload any
03:27 tray
this is also your last chance to
03:29 look
for any chunks that you can break
03:31 up
it's really important that air gets
03:33 to
circulate around all your meat last
03:36 thing
you want to do is set the
thermostat on your dehydrator to 160
degrees Fahrenheit and turn it on
it's a
03:44 good
idea to check on your meat every
03:46 couple
of hours into the process this is
03:48 three
hours later turn off my dehydrator
03:50 and
open it up and that looks like the
03:53 tun is
doing really well I'm just
flipping over the meat so that the
moisture sides are more exposed to
03:59 air
rotate through all the trays check
04:03 all
the trays chickens looking really
04:05 good
almost dry actually and ground beef
04:11 is the
last it's looking pretty good too
04:15 it'll
take a little bit longer than the
04:16 others
yeah so I'll just rotate the
04:22 trays
and turn back on the dehydrator
04:25 wait
some more
04:31 so
after about six hours of dehydrating
04:34 the
chicken is nice and dry ready to be
04:37 put in
bags and so is the tuna it's
04:43 really
reduced in size and really
reduced in weight the hamburger
needs a
04:48 little
bit more time
04:52 and
after about eight hours let's check
04:55 out
the beef looking good
04:59 nice
small crumbles I can break the
05:03 pieces
and they they're just a little
05:05 bit
tender not completely brittle which
05:09 is
good because I boiled this meat and
because I poured more water over it
05:18 I've
gotten rid of all the fat I haven't
05:20 had to
dab this at all you don't feel or
05:22 see
any any oily residue at all so
05:25 that's
ready to go
05:26 so
I've dumped my trays into a bowl
05:28 to
make it a little easier to handle
05:31 I'm
going to spoon my meat into a
ziplock bag I will label my bags and
05:41 keep
them in the freezer till I need
05:42 them
so I've carried out the weight of a
05:46 Ziploc
bag which is about 6 grams 2 cans
05:52 of
tuna weighs 72 grams 2 chicken
breasts weighs 97 grams and my beef
06:04 which
originally weighed 1.1 kilograms
06:07 now
weighs 228 grams |